Monday, April 11, 2011

My Weekend

I had a great weekend with my friends.  I managed to finish plying these skeins of yarn.  The white and the blue green are silk.  The bigger skein in front is cotton.  I really love to spin cotton but do not do it that often.  I have all these great colors of dyed cotton.  This really got me back to thinking about spinning more of it.

So now I have set out this basket of cotton and plan to be spinning it throughout the summer.  I know this does not look like much but it will take hours and  hours to spin up.  I always thought using all these colors in some woven fabric.  I think they would make a beautiful top or blouse.

Then I started working on these socks.They're for my daughter.  I have   one made for awhile and now and it was time to make its match.

Just when I was almost done with the two color pattern I discovered that I had knit them upside down. Oh well, time to rip it out and start over again. So the weekend included some success and some big mistakes. Some weekends are like that. Now my company is gone and house is so quiet. Now I have time to reflect on what I'll do next.  How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. These socks is so cool! I would totally wear them :) I wish I could knit!


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